At Beyond Chrysant, a family-run business in the Dutch horticulture sector, the commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of their operations. In the second episode of the video series ‘How to Make Conventional Agriculture More Sustainable,’ host Ank van der Meulen joins Wouter Duijvesteijn to discuss the challenges growers face today and the innovative solutions they are implementing to enhance their sustainability efforts.

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Wouter Duijvesteijn, co-owner of Beyond Chrysant, discusses the pressing issues growers encounter, particularly around energy costs and the need for sustainable practices. “We need to go to a situation where we can be neutral to the world,” he says, reflecting their commitment to sustainability that resonates throughout the agricultural community.

Ank van der Meulen joins Wouter Duijvesteijn to discuss the challenges growers face today

Implementation of Sustainable Practices

Beyond Chrysant takes a comprehensive approach to sustainability by focusing on energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly logistics. They are improving their greenhouse operations to use less energy and exploring renewable options to reduce their carbon footprint.

On top of that, their use of electric vehicles for transportation shows their efforts to reduce emissions across their supply chain. Through these initiatives, Beyond Chrysant enhances operational efficiency while setting a positive example for other growers in the industry.

GreenSwitch Original, one of our circular fertilizers, in the greenhouse of Beyond Chrysant

Beyond Chrysant’s Experience with Circular Fertilizer GreenSwitch® Original

Central to Beyond Chrysant’s sustainability efforts is the use of circular fertilizer GreenSwitch® Original, the first liquid nitrate fertilizer derived from organic sources.

Based on Pure Green Agriculture technology, GreenSwitch® Original enables growers to reduce their reliance on traditional fertilizers and lower their carbon footprint without altering their cropping systems. Wouter highlights how GreenSwitch® Original plays a key role in their operations: “It’s a composition of nutrients we can implement in our greenhouse.”

This approach not only minimizes waste but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with fertilizer production. By integrating GreenSwitch® Original into their practices, Beyond Chrysant demonstrates how growers can transition to more sustainable agriculture while maintaining productivity.

Detail of the manufacturing process of chrysanthemums at Beyond Chrysant Beyond Chrysant worker pushes boxes of chrysanthemums in the greenhouse

The Role of Innovation and Collaboration in Agriculture

Wouter also emphasizes the value of partnerships in achieving sustainability goals. Collaborating with Van Iperen International has enabled them to access cutting-edge technologies that facilitate their transition. “We are reducing the use of chemicals and adapting to rapidly changing biological systems,” he explains, showcasing the positive impact of cooperation within the industry.

Beyond Chrysant is committed to sustainable practices, showing how important innovative circular fertilizers like GreenSwitch® Original are for making agriculture more sustainable. This ongoing effort highlights that sustainable agriculture isn’t just a one-time goal but a continuous journey that needs effective solutions and teamwork.

Wondering how Van Iperen International supports growers in achieving sustainability while maintaining productivity, don’t miss the first episode of ‘How to Make Conventional Agriculture More Sustainable’! Get to know how innovative solutions and collaboration are essential for successfully implementing sustainability practices in agriculture.