Anticipate next season with your order on High Performing Solutions and win a Facebook campaign in your country!

Order now for a free tailored Facebook campaign!

Agriculture is very sensitive and demands a lot of planning. For this reason, at Van Iperen International, we highly recommend you prevent any uncertainties by anticipating your High Performing Solutions' orders for next year.

Everyone who places a firm order of High Performing Solutions, between September 15 and November 15, for delivery before the end of this year will win a free tailored Facebook campaign to promote their companies in their countries! That's right! We’re offering everyone the chance to grow their business on social media and gain more visibility.

To enter, simply get in touch with your Sales Manager and list your order. Our Sales Managers will properly inform you with all details.

Contact your Sales Manager!

Why anticipating your orders now is so important?

Looking back, the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic has brought many uncertainties to the agricultural sector. Besides the worsening of climatic conditions, we face a raw material shortage, a lack of containers for shipping goods, and consequently, an increase in transportation prices. 

Probably, you wonder how to avoid the impact of all the above in your business. Well, it's very simple. By ordering now, you give us extra time to sort all things out for you.

High Performing Solutions

Nowadays, water management is one of the most important consequences of climate change worldwide. Adverse environmental conditions, such as drought or heat, affect and limit crop productivity. To support growers, we've developed Iperen WAKE-up® Liquid, a one-of-a-kind solution that improves both Water Use Efficiency (WUE) and Crop Quality.

Iperen WAKE-up® Liquid increases the natural efficiency of the plant to manage the water uptake by the root system, the translocation through the stem and the main branches, and the movement into the fruit. WAKE-up® protects and exploits the full plant potential and provides a top-quality harvest for the grower. In other words, one solution as a quality drink.

Iperen WAKE-up®, the quality drink for your crop!
Overview of Algae Solutions range

You will also find an ally to fight against abiotic stress in our Algae Solutions. This range contains a high level of mineral nutrients enriched with a high percentage of top-quality Canadian Ascophyllum nodosum from our partner Acadian Plant Health.

Our seaweed products enable the grower to transfer the stress resistance properties to the plant in a consistent way and guarantee an efficient uptake of the nutrients. Within our Algae Solutions, you can choose between our FoliaStim® range (a high level of mineral nutrients enriched with 15% of Ascophyllum nodosum) and our Pure Seaweed products (containing 100% of Ascophyllum nodosum).

How can Seaweed improve yield?
Overview picture of IPE technology solutions

We've developed our Iperen IPE® Technology to better manage Phosphate and Micronutrients efficiency in the soil. Our IPE® Technology releases Phosphate absorbed into soil particles and prevents the fixation of fresh applied Phosphate. This is how the IPE® Technology has a clear effect on the initial plant development.

Several trials with IPE® Technology showed very positive results on the increase of plant-available Phosphate in the soil. Growers who work with IPE® Technology use less Phosphate and see better results. In addition, they benefit from the positive side effects: the soil structure improves as well as the availability of Micronutrients to the plant.

How can Iperen IPE® improve NUE?

GreenSwitch® Original is the first liquid Nitrate fertilizer from organic source, allowing growers to reduce their carbon footprint without changing their cropping system. GreenSwitch® Original is a 2 - 0 - 7 formulation pure and transparent for high-tech greenhouse and open field fertigation. It is produced in our factory in the Netherlands using a proven close to zero Carbon footprint production process certified by the SNK (Stichting Nationale Koolstofmarkt) following the Paris agreement (COP 21).

The GreenSwitch process, based on Pure Green Agriculture Technology, is a circular process contributing to restoring the Nitrogen cycle by up-cycling the Nitrogen from manure into a crystal clear nitrate fertilizer.

Discover GreenSwitch® Original!