Lithuania's agricultural sector faces distinctive challenges and Van Iperen International is committed to offering tailored solutions through our high-quality Specialty Fertilizers and Biostimulants. In alignment with Lithuania's unique agricultural context, our mission is to equip Lithuanian growers with the knowledge and products needed to overcome obstacles, including land fragmentation, outdated farming practices, and the impacts of climate change.

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Navigating Agricultural Challenges and Enhancing Sustainability

In Lithuania, the agricultural landscape presents limitations such as land fragmentation, characterized by small-sized farms that can interfere with the adoption of modern and efficient farming practices. Additionally, the impacts of climate change raise concerns about maintaining and increasing agricultural productivity. Van Iperen International recognizes the importance of transformative approaches to address these challenges, fostering resilience and enhancing crop performance for Lithuanian growers.

Acknowledging the current challenges in Lithuania's agriculture sector—marked by climate change impacts and the need for modernization—Van Iperen International emphasizes the necessity for strategic solutions.

With a focus on our innovative Specialty Fertilizers and Biostimulants, we aim to contribute to efficient plant nutrition and sustainable agricultural practices. Our solutions are designed to manage climate-related stress, address nutrient deficiencies, strengthen soil health, and enhance overall yield. Our commitment extends beyond mere productivity to elevate the crop resilience and yield of Lithuanian growers.


Overview picture of our NPK solutions

Van Iperen introduces a comprehensive range of fast-acting water-soluble NPK solutions, specifically tailored to increase productivity in small farm land fragmentation, update agricultural practices, and solve nutritient defficiencies. 

Formulated with high-quality raw materials, our NPK fertilizers cater to essential crop nutrition across various growth stages and conditions for foliar applications, fertigation in open field, and greenhouses. Notable features include limited caking sensitivity, high-level EDTA-chelated micro-nutrients, and formulations suitable for different water types. Beyond these features, our NPK offerings include formulas with IPE Technology—an innovative product range that enhances the use of Phosphate, consequently improving Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE) of plants, and mitigating issues related to soil degradation and nutrient deficiencies.

Produced in our TTD plant in The Netherlands, Van Iperen's WS NPKs are distinguished by their quality, reliability, and commitment to plant nutrition. By harnessing the power of advanced plant nutrition, we aim to empower Lithuanian growers in cultivating resilient and efficient crops. Explore the potential of our innovative solutions tailored to Lithuania's agricultural context!

Ismail Özturk, Technical Director at Safa Tarim - Turkey

“IPE® Technology is an efficient solution for longer terms in soil greenhouses. After applying it to the soil, Iperen IPE® 11-44-11+TE releases soil-fixated Phosphates and overcomes the precipitation of fresh applied Phosphates […] In this way,  we meet the crop Phosphorus need at the early and mid stages”.

Ismail Özturk, Technical Director at Safa Tarim - Turkey
Ismail Özturk
Technical Director at Safa Tarim - Turkey

Our Strategic Collaboration with Linas Agro

Van Iperen International has forged a strategic alliance with Linas Agro, a trusted leader in the agricultural business with 30 years of experience. In collaboration, we introduce an innovative line of high-quality fertilizers to address Lithuania's unique agricultural challenges. Linas Agro's extensive expertise and commitment to providing reliable solutions and advice align seamlessly with our mission to enhance crop yields and promote sustainable practices. Together, we actively engage with Lithuanian growers, optimizing land suitability, improving Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE), and fortifying overall crop resilience in Lithuania.

Linas Agro, including 371 employees across Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, operates a network of modern grain storage facilities with a total capacity of 630 tons. Certified under international quality management programs, they bring valuable experience to our collaboration. By aligning with Linas Agro's goal to lead in agriculture and competitiveness, our shared values of innovation pave the way for positive changes in Lithuanian agriculture.

Van Iperen International - Innovations for Sustainable Growth

Collaborating with Lithuanian farmers, Van Iperen International cultivates opportunities for resilient and thriving crops. We understand the complexities of the local agricultural context, and our high-quality fertilizers and biostimulants are formulated to align with Lithuania's specific challenges. Van Iperen International is committed to delivering innovative solutions tailored to Lithuania's agricultural landscape, contributing to enhanced productivity and sustainability for local farmers. Join us in shaping a more resilient and thriving agriculture in Lithuania!

Introducing Our Team in Lithuania

Aleksandar Kurjakov and Dušan Gajin - Van Iperen Team in Lithuania

Since 2010, Van Iperen International has been a part of the Van Iperen Group, a family business deeply rooted in the Dutch fertilizer industry. Our main goal is to advance sustainable practices in conventional agriculture, with a particular emphasis on supporting Lithuanian growers through our innovations. How do we realize this goal? We have dedicated teams at every stage, including experts well-versed in the local conditions of crops in Lithuania and globally.

Our Lithuanian team members are Regional Sales Director Aleksandar Kurjakov and Agronomist Dušan Gajin, both fully committed to promoting local partnerships. They are here to support you, offering valuable insights into fertilizers and providing expertise on logistics, registrations, and effective marketing strategies. Reach out to them to explore our high-quality fertilizers and biostimulants for Lithuanian agriculture!