Van Iperen Calcium Nitrate Agricultural Grade is a granulated, hard and homogeneous Calcium fertilizer. Our product has a limited caking tendency and is recommended from early spring until fruit set and fruit development. This high Calcium fertilizer improves the strength of the cell walls during active cell division phases. The presence of Nitrate has a positive effect on the absorption of Calcium by the plant.

  • Improves fruit quality - less sensitive to bitter pit and blossom end rot, longer shelf life
  • Developed for dry fertiliser spreading in open field crops as basal or side dressing


  • Low in heavy metals
  • Low in Sodium and Chloride
  • White granules
  • Hard and homogeneously sized granules
  • Production process certified according to ISO 9001:2009
  • Easy to handle and to apply

Dry Application

Crop Application date Min kg/ha/season Max kg/ha/season
Fruit trees (adult)
1 - 2 applications:
• Before flowering
150 400
1 - 2 applications:
• As of leaf bud opening
• Until vegetative growth
100 300
1 - 2 applications:
• Until tuber initiation
100 300
Fruit vegetables
1 - 2 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• Until fruit setting
150 400
1 - 3 applications:
• Winter application
• Spring application
250 500
3 - 5 applications:
• During entire season
300 700

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Compatible with other fertilizers, except Sulphate- or Phosphate-containing fertilizers. Therefore, a separate fertilizer dissolving tank is required or the fertilizers must be applied at different times.

Fertilizing Knowledge

Which Calcium Nitrate to use?

Calcium Nitrate is a good source of both Calcium and Nitrate. Depending on the type of application, you can choose between different grades and formulations. Van Iperen offers you the widest range of Calcium Nitrates. Let’s see which one suits your needs.

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