Van Iperen Magnesium Nitrate Horticultural Grade is a very pure Magnesium fertilizer that dissolves rapidly and completely. Our product has a limited caking tendency and is recommended from vegetative growth and during production stages. The high level of Magnesium contributes to the synthesis of chlorophyll. The presence of Nitrate has a positive effect on the absorption of Magnesium by the plant.

  • Improves leaf colour
  • Developed for fertigation in open field and greenhouses. Also suitable for foliar application


  • Low in heavy metals
  • Low in Sodium and Chloride
  • White pellets


Kg in 1.000 l stock solution MgO in kg Total N in kg N-NO3 in kg
25 3.9 2.6 2.6
50 7.8 5.2 5.2
75 11.7 7.8 7.8
100 15.6 10.5 10.5


Crop Application date Min kg/ha/season Max kg/ha/season
Fruit trees
• As of end of flowering 100 200
• As of vegetative growth
• Until fruit setting
150 300
• As of tuber setting
• Until tuber filling
100 200
• As of 4 weeks after planting
• Until fruit ripening
150 300
Vineyards (adult)
• As of leaf bud opening
• Until beginning of flowering
100 150

Foliar Application

Crop Application date Min kg / ha / appl Max kg / ha / appl Conc. % (w/v))
Fruit trees
3 - 4 applications:
• As of end of flowering
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 8 0.5 - 1.5
1 - 2 applications:
• As of stem elongation
• Until flowering starts
3 6 1.0 - 1.5
2 - 4 applications:
• Spring application
• As of vegetative growth
5 10 1.0 - 2.0
2 applications:
• During flower bud opening
• During fruit setting
3 9 0.5 - 2.0
1 - 2 applications:
• As of 5 - 6 leaf stage
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 6 1.0 - 1.5
2 - 3 applications:
• Spring application
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 8 1.0 - 2.0
1 - 2 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• Until flowering starts
3 6 1.0 - 1.5
Vineyards (adult)
3 - 4 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• Application interval- 7 - 10 days
3 9 0.5 - 1.5
2 - 5 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• Until flowering starts
• Application interval- 7 - 10 days
3 10 0.5 - 1.5

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Compatible with other fertilizers.

Fertilizing Knowledge

Factory of Van Iperen partner Lovochemie

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