Van Iperen Mayor IPE Liquid is a product developed especially for China's soil problems. It contains the patented IPE technology, which increases the efficiency of phosphorus, calcium and micronutrients. Van Iperen Mayor IPE Liquid also contains zinc and a variety of organic small molecules, which have special effects on the reddish and whitish of the soil surface caused by soil secondary salinization. Van Iperen Mayor IPE Liquid can effectively reduce the soil EC value, especially for sodium ions. Van Iperen Mayor IPE Liquid helps repairing the secondary salt damage caused by unreasonable use of chemical fertilizers and helps improving the survival rate of young plants at the seedling stage. The overall organic and inorganic nutrients in Van Iperen Mayor IPE Liquid accelerate the overall growth process of the crops, and can significantly increase the yield.

  • 通過優質芽苞改善根和花芽的生長
  • 在鹼性和酸性土壤中均提高養份利用效率
  • 基於多年的研究和發展之創新IPE技術產品
  • 高濃度溶液
  • 鈉和氯化物含量低
  • 深棕色液體
  • 生產過程通過ISO 9001:2015認證
  • 容易處理和施用

滴灌 | Fertigation

作物 施用时间 最少 升/公顷/次 最多 升/公顷/次
• As of 1 week after planting
• 從施肥開始
15 30
Leaf vegetables
• 從施肥開始 15 30
Fruit trees
• 從施肥開始 20 30

Dosage | Soil drenching

The above-mentioned dosage is suitable also for the application via the traditional flood irrigation method.
