Van Iperen CalMag Liquid is a pure and highly concentrated liquid fertilizer.
Formulated from liquid Calcium Nitrate and liquid Magnesium Nitrate, the product is a transparent stable solution.
Combining Calcium and Magnesium with Nitrates is useful to promote healthy vegetative growth, strong fruit setting and qualitative fruit growth. This is achieved thanks to healthy cell walls and high chlorophyll production. The product is recommended from early flowering and until end of fruit growth stages.

  • Improves leaf colour, fruit quality and shelf-life
  • 專為葉面噴施而開發,也適用於露天灌溉施肥與溫室施用
  • 不傷葉面
  • 重金屬含量低
  • 鈉和氯含量低
  • 結晶溫度低
  • 易於操作、使用方便
  • Easy to handle and apply

滴灌 | Fertigation

作物 施用时间 最少 升/公顷/季 最多 升/公顷/季
• 營養生長期間
• 果實成熟期使用
80 120
• 營養生長期間
• 果實成熟期使用
150 250
• 營養生長期間
• 果實成熟期使用
100 200
• 營養生長期間
• 果實成熟期使用
60 120
Pip fruit
• 營養生長期間
• 果實成熟期使用
80 150

叶面施肥 | Foliar application

作物 施用时间 最少 升/公顷/次 最多 升/公顷/次 Conc. % (v/v)
3 - 4 applications:
• 從營養生長期開始使用
• 直到開始開花
5 10 0.3 - 0.6
• 春季施用
• 著果期使用
6 10 0.5 - 1.5
• As of fruit setting
• Until harvesting
• 7 - 10 days interval
2 5 0.1 - 0.3
• As of fruit setting
• Until 2 weeks before harvesting
• 每次間隔10-14天使用
2 5 0.3 - 0.7
Stone fruit
3 - 4 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• Until fruit ripening
3 6 0.5 - 1.0
2 - 3 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• 直到著果
4 6 0.5 - 1.0
Pip fruit
4 - 6 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• Until 6 weeks before harvesting
• 每次間隔10-14天使用
5 8 0.5 - 1.5



Compatible with other fertilizers, with the exception of Sulphate or Phosphate fertilizers. Therefore a separate tank is needed or fertilizers should be applied at different times.